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The Roots

Diploma of Family History. (UTAS)

Gedmatch numbers: A253698, A074819, UC9089880.

Y-DNA Haplogroup: R-U 152. Subclade: R-L 2 / mtDNA Haplogroup: H. Subclade: H8.

Welcome to My Bond Family History by N Bond. My researching started out with an interest in William Henry Wise (Great Grand Father). A Newspaper clipping about the WACA ground, saying that he had laid the 1st wicket got my interest in the family.

That was more than 50,000 people ago.; today I enjoy an abundance of DNA conformation. Writing about my family research success and sharing my findings to family brings me great satisfaction.


I don't consider my family tree as standing alone in a lush field.

But as a tree standing  amongst others in a lush forest.


N. Bond


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